
Love Story Project

    Concept: Love     Message: Broken heart     Emotional connector: Dead roses and ripped note.     Dynamic artistry: The black and white makes it seem sad or like it was a love the once existed but      not anymore.     Story telling quality: The pictures of times of them together show the story of their relationship          and the dead roses and ripped note shows she was mad and sad when it was over.

reflection reflection

My goal was to take better and more aesthetic photos in second semester. I would give myself a B+ because I definitely have made a lot of improvements from last year but there is always room to make myself better and I know on some projects I could have done better. Throughout the rest of the semester I hope to improve and reach my goals of what I had in mind for second semester.



Letter to Past self

Dear Past Self,        Hi from your future self! For photography this year its gonna be really fun except you need to be on time and on top of taking your pictures! Trust me planning them in advance and doing them early will help you so much in the future and will teach you more about time management.       You will feel so much more confident in photoshop by the end of the year and just make sure that you take your time and come up with different ideas before actually doing your first idea. Use what you have around you and try different angles and exposures once you get into photoshop.         This is my favorite photography assignment. This assignment shows something that looks edited, the glass ball being flipped, without it actually being edited.     Have fun this year, Brooke

The importance of art questions

"Tax dollars should not be wasted on art, music or theater classes in high school. Public high schools should be about training young people to enter the workforce. Period."  experience To respond to the prompt, I feel like school should not only train people for the workforce, but for how to handle life in general. For example, although we don't use some core classes in day to day life they train you on how to have quick thinking and solve a variety of problems. The arts are a creative outlet in school for the people that want it and can blossom into entertainment careers or hobbies, and it is also an escape for some people so i feel like it shouldn't be taken out of school. I also feel as though school shouldn't just be a place to get you in the mindset to work for the rest of your life, and you should have a creative outlet where you can have fun and be yourself. It is also important because art can tell us about our past and it can make it so we can under

Forced Perspective


What Art?

Part 1- 1) Describe the mood of the image(s)  What is the expression on the faces of the models?  What is their posture? The mood in the pictures are kind of calm as they are looking straight forward or looking off into the distance. Their posture is both very relaxed.  2) Think about technique.  How do you imagine these images were created? Oil paint? Photoshop? I think they were made by being painted. They look like they have the texture of a painting. 3) Ask yourself what role color plays in the images(?)  Does it accentuate the mood? Color kind of makes the foreground pop and kind of makes you think of the peace as angry. I don't think it accentuates the mood because the pieces look calm which is the opposite of angry. 4) Finally, what do you think the artist intended to convey with these images?  What response was he/she attempting to evoke?  Do you think the effort was successful? I think he was trying to convey human emotion. I think they were attemp