The importance of art questions

"Tax dollars should not be wasted on art, music or theater classes in high school. Public high schools should be about training young people to enter the workforce. Period."  experience

To respond to the prompt, I feel like school should not only train people for the workforce, but for how to handle life in general. For example, although we don't use some core classes in day to day life they train you on how to have quick thinking and solve a variety of problems. The arts are a creative outlet in school for the people that want it and can blossom into entertainment careers or hobbies, and it is also an escape for some people so i feel like it shouldn't be taken out of school.

I also feel as though school shouldn't just be a place to get you in the mindset to work for the rest of your life, and you should have a creative outlet where you can have fun and be yourself. It is also important because art can tell us about our past and it can make it so we can understand the emotions of the people of the past and not just the facts and numbers behind what happened to them. Art also shows the human experience from people all over the world and how they interpret what is going on and how they react to it.


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