1st semester reflection

I) Write a paragraph in response to each of the following as they relate to you and your perception of your class experience: 

Quality of Your Work


Address the sub-topics in the bullet points below but do not write a list–this should be more of a narrative, describing your thoughts about your work in this class so far.

1. Quality of work

I think my quality of work was decent, but could have been better. The subjects I did my projects on I think were good and very unique. I always get my assignments done on time and refill the requirements said in class and on the blog. I think that I don't always stretch my assignments to their full potential but they are always good. I feel like I normally have the same format and resolution for all my projects which is 8x10 and 300 resolution. My work is always submitted on time. I always take two ideas and do the best out of all these ideas. 

2. Effort
I always try to take photos when I have time over the weekend or as soon as I have ideas. I do always look for the most convenient subject, location, and solution. I put some effort into getting my photos done and how i'm going to do it. I don't take that many difficult photos. I think that my subject matter is very easy to take though. I do have a positive attitude when looking at other students work because I know how much effort they put into it. I do have a positive attitude towards my own photography but I am more critical of it.

3. Participation
I am always on time to class and have a very good attendance rate. I do work to get my photography assignments done on time so I would say I work throughout the whole block. I have always worked independently besides when I ask for help on how to do something. I am always on task when I need to do my projects and am very productive and get them done on time.

4. Improvement
I think I am not the strongest photographer. But I feel I do have to a specific style. I think I have improved my photoshop skills a lot. I do feel like my compositions have gotten better throughout the semester. I feel like my images could be more compelling. I do feel more confident about taking pictures. I don't feel like my concepts have gotten any better or worse.
5. Adjustment

I am going to try and take better and more aesthetic pictures. As well as use photoshop more to enhance them. 
II) Suggest an assignment.  

Is there something that you've wanted to do with your photography that we are not yet addressing?  Suggest an assignment and I will choose from your ideas and incorporate one of them into a project. 

I would want to do another item project or something with filters.


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