Response to work by Gottfried Helnwein

Describe the image as closely as you can.  Write your description on your Blog. What do you think is going on here?  Is this an artistic image or a documentary image (or both)? Is the image Photoshopped? Try to assign meaning to the image. What do you think the photographer's intent was? What does the image say to you? How does the difference in scale between the man and the girl's face add to your interpretation of the photograph?

This is a picture of a man climbing up someone's face. I think this is an artistic image because it's not something that could happen in real life. Yes, it would have to be photoshopped to get the second person on there. I think this photo means the journey someone takes in their life and the personal challenges they overcome. I think their intent was to allow everyone to have a different meaning. Having the scale difference between the girl and the man allows for depth in the picture.


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